DEUTROMAT Multi-Contact

Product Description

Complex-shaped components, which cannot be completely magnetized with two contacts in one test cycle, can be tested efficiently with these machines, where several magnetizing units are available. Typical components are steering knuckles, pistons and forks.

Since the entire component surface should be magnetized as uniformly as possible, each magnetic contact can be controlled individually. If the component geometries permit, unloading can be realized via a pneumatic ejector. The parts then usually slide onto a conveyor belt, which ends in the test cabin.

Key Facts

  • Components: unit weights typically up to 15 kg
  • Testing machine cycle: 8 to 10 seconds
  • Maximum clamping length: typically 600 mm
  • Number of contacts: typically 3 to 8, project-specific
  • Positions of the contacts: as universal as possible to test a wide variety of components
  • Workpiece holders: as universal as possible, quickly changeable via quick release fastener
  • Magnetisation technology: alternating current, each contact individually controllable, optionally with automatic demagnetisation
  • Power consumption: project-specific, depending on component size
  • Floor space: typically 2 m x 4 m, project-specific


Extension options:

  • Ejector for discharging
  • MEMORY II parameter storage
  • Automatic demagnetization

Further Information

Our comprehensive brochure:

Things to know and accessories: