Obituary for an NDT-Expert: Dr. Werner Roye
Wuppertal, Germany, 14 April 2022
Probes for Wall Thickness Measurement
In December 2021, sad news reached us: Dr. Werner Roye passed away far too early at the age of 70! Werner Roye studied metallurgy at RWTH Aachen and, after a first industrial phase, moved to TU Dortmund, where he became the first doctoral student of Prof. Volker Deutsch on an NDT topic: Further Development of Acoustic Holography for Use in Materials Testing.
After several years as a lecturer at DGZfP in Dortmund, Dr. Werner Roye worked for the PHILIPS company in Hamburg in the field of X-ray testing before becoming head of the application laboratory at the KRAUTKRÄMER company in Hürth. After two years at LVQ-WP in Mülheim, he started at KARL DEUTSCH in 2011, also in the application laboratory. His passion were complex testing tasks, which he preferred to solve with the help of the phased array technology. He was a very good eacher for colleagues and our customers!
In 2019, he summarised his expertise in book form and presented the new standard work on industrial ultrasonic testing (in German language). He is survived by his wife, was a father of three grown-up children and an enthusiastic grandpa. Flying small aircraft was his private passion – always non destructively, of course! We will have a lasting and honourable memory of Dr. Werner Roye