A wide Range of Inspection Media

Wuppertal, Germany, July 23, 2020

A wide Range of Inspection Media

KARL DEUTSCH offers its customers a wide range of inspection media that has been successfully proven for decades. All products for various testing tasks in the fields of magnetic particle, penetration and ultrasonic testing are developed, manufactured and approved in our own laboratories and production facilities in Germany. Our wide-ranging quality control ensures outstanding product quality.



Since its foundation in 1949, the owner-managed company KARL DEUTSCH has been engaged in the development and manufacture of equipment for non-destructive material testing. Mobile testing devices, stationary testing systems, sensors and chemical crack detection media for the testing methods UT, MT and PT are manufactured in two plants in Wuppertal by 130 motivated employees. Another 20 employees in foreign offices and a worldwide dealer network support the export business, which accounts for more than 60% of the turnover. Characterized by continuous innovation and reliability of the products, the brands ECHOGRAPH, ECHOMETER, LEPTOSKOP, DEUTROFLUX, FLUXA, KD-CHECK and RMG are internationally known today.


Henning Kroemer
Pruef- und Messgeraetebau GmbH + Co KG
Phone: +49 202 7192 0