KD-INFO 2022
Wuppertal, Germany, 21 April 2022
New Release: KD-INFO 2022
Finally, the time has come again: COVID-19 is on the retreat and we’re looking forward to the 34th CONTROL, which will take place at the beginning of May, where we’ll once again be able to personally exchange ideas with our customers, friends and interested parties on site. You can find out everything that has happened at KARL DEUTSCH in the past year and what course has been set for the future in the new issue of our company magazine, KD-INFO (PDF Download here), among others with current information on the topics:
- ECHOGRAPH STPS PAUT: Phased Array Bar Testing System
- ECHOGRAPH 1095: SCHMEES Examines with KARL DEUTSCH Flaw Detector
- ECHOGRAPH: Repair of Ultrasonic Probes
- ECHOGRAPH: Phased Array Probes for Bar Testing
- ScanMaster UT/X: Measuring Large Spotweld Diameters
- GEKKO and MANTIS: Storage of Workpiece Geometry in CAD Format
- Mobile UV-LED Lamp: Successful Cooperation in Product Development
- Development for Mercedes-Benz: Ultrasonic Measurement for Transmission Oil Level
- ECHOTRACE HT-170: New High-Temperature Coupling Agent
- KD-CHECK: Water-Based Suspendable Wet Developer for Penetrant Testing
- Thrills in the Bergisches Land Region – the Müngsten Bridge Climb!
- Obituary for an NDT-Expert: Dr. Werner Roye
- New Sales Director and CFO at KARL DEUTSCH
…and many more…