
You may reach our headquarters in Germany using the following contact information. If you would like to contact our international subsidiaries, you will find an overview here.

Head Office Germany
Phone: +49 202 7192 0
Fax: +49 202 7192 123

Press / Marketing:


Your sales contact persons

Below you will find your personal contact person. We are looking forward to your enquiry!

Reinhold Engels

Reinhold Engels

Consulting and Sales

Postal code area: 40-41, 44-47,
50-57, 65-69
Mobile: +49 170 2 28 80 84


Adrian Helm

Adrian Helm

Consulting and Sales

Postal code area: 20-34, 37, 42, 48, 49, 58, 59
Mobile: +49 151 27 25 21 00


Titus Peltsch

Titus Peltsch

Consulting and Sales

Postal code area: 70-94
Mobile: +49 175 1 81 19 06


Michael Ratmann

Michael Ratmann

Consulting and Sales

Postal code area: 01-19, 35, 36, 38, 39,
60-64, 95-99
Tel.: +49 6651 91 91 50
Mobile: +49 170 4 52 88 57


Stefan Klein

Stefan Klein

Consulting and Sales
Product Management Magnetic Particle Testing

Postal code area: 20-34, 37, 42
48, 49, 58, 59
Tel.: +49 202 7192 218
Mobile: +49 170 5 70 87 64


Stefan Kierspel

Stefan Kierspel

Phased Array Test Equipment: Consulting and Sales

Tel.: +49 202 7192 140
Mobile: +49 151 62 83 71 58


Alexander Hoheisel

Alexander Hoheisel

Business Development Manager Systems & Training

Mobile: +49 175 8 42 67 24


Peter Schulte

Peter Schulte

Ultrasonic Testing Systems: Consulting and Sales

Tel.: +49 202 7192 176
Mobile: +49 160 90 13 88 46


Dr. Kirill Zilberberg

Dr. Kirill Zilberberg

International Sales

Tel.: +49 202 7192 165
Mobile: +49 151 55 23 24 29



Dr. (USA) Wolfram A. Karl Deutsch

Dr. (USA) Wolfram A. Karl Deutsch

Dietger Schäle-Palatini

Dietger Schäle-Palatini

Managing Director
Head of Portable Instruments Division
Dr. Andreas Meißner

Dr. Andreas Meißner

Director Sales
Sascha Rosenbaum

Sascha Rosenbaum


Divisional Management

Portable Instruments

Dietger Schäle-Palatini

Dietger Schäle-Palatini

Managing Director
Head of Division
David Bunse

David Bunse

Deputy Head of Division

Ultrasonic Testing Systems

Jörn Bolten

Jörn Bolten

Head of Division
Michael Joswig

Michael Joswig

Deputy Head of Division

Ultrasonic Probes

Dr. Michael Lach

Dr. Michael Lach

Head of Division
Dr. Simon Steves

Dr. Simon Steves

Product Manager Phased Array Probes

Magnetic Particle Testing Systems

Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun

Head of Division
Andreas Potzkai

Andreas Potzkai

Deputy Head of Division

Chemicals and Penetrant Testing Systems

Stephan Robens

Stephan Robens

Head of Division
Dr. Oliver Goerz

Dr. Oliver Goerz

Deputy Head of Division

Administration / Commercial Services

Sascha Rosenbaum

Sascha Rosenbaum

Head of Division
Gernot Walter

Gernot Walter

Deputy Head of Division

Agencies world-wide

We are active for you all over the world and can be contacted at short distances. Select a region to be forwarded to our respective representatives.


Head office & production for serial products (Plant 1)
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 101
42115 Wuppertal

Administration & production for plants (Works 2)
Otto-Hausmann-Ring 201
42115 Wuppertal

By car Wuppertal lies…

… 30 km east of Düsseldorf

Take the A3 freeway south (direction Frankfurt/Cologne) until you reach the “Hildener Kreuz”, where you change to the A46 freeway (direction Wuppertal). Leave the A46 at the exit “Wuppertal-Varresbeck”, #32. KARL DEUTSCH is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit.
By car it takes about 30 minutes from Düsseldorf airport (which is located in the northern districts of Düsseldorf) to the company KARL DEUTSCH in Wuppertal.

… 30 km southwest of Dortmund

Drive southwest on the A1 freeway (direction Köln) until you reach the freeway junction “Wuppertal Nord”, where you change to the A46 freeway (direction Wuppertal). Leave the A46 at the exit “Wuppertal-Varresbeck”, #32. KARL DEUTSCH is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit.

… 200 km north of Frankfurt

Take the A3 freeway north (direction Köln/Oberhausen) until you reach the “Hildener Kreuz”, where you change to the A46 freeway (direction Wuppertal). Leave the A46 at the exit “Wuppertal-Varresbeck”, #32. KARL DEUTSCH is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit.

… 50 km northeast of Cologne

Coming from the A3 freeway, change to the A1 at the Leverkusen junction and drive northeast (towards Dortmund) until you reach the “Wuppertal Nord” junction, where you change to the A46 freeway (towards Wuppertal). Leave the A46 at the exit “Wuppertal-Varresbeck”, #32. KARL DEUTSCH is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit.

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